


Please read over this site completely before DMing me for information.
In regards to more complicated questions that are not answered on this site, the fastest response will be through Twitter DMs. FA is another place to message me but might be slower.

Estamated re-opening: March 2023
I generally open via google docs so keep an eye out on my twitter for opening announcements!

If you want to check up on a status of a commission please check out my trello.


A batch of 6 emotes.
Batch: £90
-note: if you want a mix of thigh and fullbody poses and unsure please contact me for a price estimate.
-This is a batch only for 6 emotes.
-Refs welcome

SKETCHOne Sketched Image of your characterThigh: £40
Full body: £50
Extra character is half the price of a full character.
-To add color is £10
-Only Simple Color Backgrounds if Colors included

FLAT COLOROne Flat Color with a simple basic color backgroundThigh: £70
Fullbody: £90
-Extra character is half the price of a full character.

CELL SHADEDOne cell shaded character with a simple blurred background**Thigh: £100 **
Full body: £120
Extra character is half the price of a full character.

PINUPOne character, with simple soft shading and with a simple pattern background.Thigh: £90
-One character only and thigh up only.

SOFT SHADEDOne character, fully colored with background.Thigh: £130
Full body: £150
-Extra character is half the price of a full character.
-Up to 2 characters only